Tuesday, October 27, 2009

meebee User Story

Here's our User Story of the Month:
BEER MATES - from Mike, Sydney

G'day meebee,

I started using meebee through a friend of mine John who invited me to meet up one day through meebee. At first. I didnt know what to do with the meeting invitation (beemail) but it looked interesting & easy to use, so I signed up in a few secs & started using it.

Anyway, I use meebee to catch up with mates for a beer & sometimes for dating too. I find it much easier to use than emailing back and forth & trying to decide when & where to meet etc. I got really sick of all this back & forth emailing that wasted soo much of my time. Its pretty easy to organise a meeting with someone & I get to choose the time & place, then I just let meebee organise it all, without me having to actually arrange the meeting itself. I must admit I do like the fact that you can message your friends who you are seeing, inside the beemail.

The only real problem I had, was at first with the beemails I was receiving. I didnt really know what to do at all. How to confirm, change any meeting details or even cancel the meeting. But i eventually figured it out. Once you know what the icons mean, its actually quite helpful. Also I guess it takes some time to get use to, I remember I hated facebook & match.com at first, as I didnt know what to do either!! Sometimes Im a bit lost in my beemails, & im not exactly sure or remember If I have confirmed a meeting or not. It doesnt directly tell me , but im sure this part will be smoothed over soon.

I really do like that all my contacts & my social life can be managed from meebee. Its tough work keeping a track of your social life & meebee really helps. I used Google Cal to keep track of my social life, but I couldnt arrange anything through it. Are you going to bring out a sync to Google Cal, as that will really help me out even more.

I know that meebee is still very new, and sometimes there are errors, but overall meebee works really well and saves me a lot of hassle in my busy social Life.

Thanks meebee & thanks John for inviting me :-)

Mike, Down Under


  1. Hi im Rick from the beeehive. Yeah a great story. We are making changes this month to the site, so hopefully you will all have an awesome experience.
    Any more feedback: feedback@meebee.com

  2. Yeah agree. meebee is good but sometimes I don't know what to do. Should be easier!
    Google Cal is great idea too.

  3. True true, like I dont know how to change a meeting?

  4. Yeah I use Google Cal, that would be helpfull. I think you can change a meeting by making a message in the beemail itself.

  5. id like to use it for work, works with Outlook?

  6. Yeah Outlook is good, Google Cal would be better!
