Tuesday, October 27, 2009

meebee User Story

Here's our User Story of the Month:
BEER MATES - from Mike, Sydney

G'day meebee,

I started using meebee through a friend of mine John who invited me to meet up one day through meebee. At first. I didnt know what to do with the meeting invitation (beemail) but it looked interesting & easy to use, so I signed up in a few secs & started using it.

Anyway, I use meebee to catch up with mates for a beer & sometimes for dating too. I find it much easier to use than emailing back and forth & trying to decide when & where to meet etc. I got really sick of all this back & forth emailing that wasted soo much of my time. Its pretty easy to organise a meeting with someone & I get to choose the time & place, then I just let meebee organise it all, without me having to actually arrange the meeting itself. I must admit I do like the fact that you can message your friends who you are seeing, inside the beemail.

The only real problem I had, was at first with the beemails I was receiving. I didnt really know what to do at all. How to confirm, change any meeting details or even cancel the meeting. But i eventually figured it out. Once you know what the icons mean, its actually quite helpful. Also I guess it takes some time to get use to, I remember I hated facebook & match.com at first, as I didnt know what to do either!! Sometimes Im a bit lost in my beemails, & im not exactly sure or remember If I have confirmed a meeting or not. It doesnt directly tell me , but im sure this part will be smoothed over soon.

I really do like that all my contacts & my social life can be managed from meebee. Its tough work keeping a track of your social life & meebee really helps. I used Google Cal to keep track of my social life, but I couldnt arrange anything through it. Are you going to bring out a sync to Google Cal, as that will really help me out even more.

I know that meebee is still very new, and sometimes there are errors, but overall meebee works really well and saves me a lot of hassle in my busy social Life.

Thanks meebee & thanks John for inviting me :-)

Mike, Down Under

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

meeting video

What a stuff up ! Has this ever happened to you on a date? Tiny stuff up, Tragic story! Poor dude. If only he'd used meebee.com

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

meebee beeta plans

Its great to be finally out of the hive & buzzing around!

We're in Beeta for a reason. Main reason is coz I really want YOU, our users, to have an AWESOME USER EXPERIENCE, we want to listen to YOU, improve it, and perfect it! :) Simple as that :) We have a long way to go, but this is the start.

Making UI improvements, weeding out any bugs, adding more features, as we have many on the drawing-board, and more importantly, continually improving meebee based on YOUR feedback!
We may even take VOTES from you all on stuff. We're doing it internally so why not with all our users as well and have a bit of fun. We'll open this blog to the public so anyone can post comments from November so looking fwd.

I'm the biggest critic, so don't be shy in piling on the critisisms .. as well as compliments. Whatever it is, as long as it's the truth, we wanna hear from you ! :)
Or just email: feedback@meebee.com

We also have an awesome rollout plan for the coming months from November and into 2010, but I'll save this for another post.

Also love to hear your User Stories ! We'll publish one at the end of each month. Just email: blog@meebee.com

We'll make this blog public from November, so anyone can post comments from November too:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

meeting video

Ever been to a meeting like this ? LOL ! :)