Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dummies Guide

TIP OF THE DAY - for 1st Time Users:

Today 3.11 we're finally making this blog public & you can post comments too. So feel free to look at past posts too & make comments. Warning!: Do not tell your friends about it or our swarm of swimming bees (bottom) will come after you ! :)) But you can try ! Anyway, to start off:

Hi all newbies, here's a Quick GET STARTED guide for First Time Users, to help you get cracking making meetings & dates in less than 20 seconds ! :)

Yep less than 20 sec ! Checkout the video "A meebee meeting in 20 sec" & TIPS OF THE DAY below:

meebee meeting in less than 20secs from meebee on Vimeo.

MEETING in less than 20 seconds !:
After you've Signed up in seconds, Click START to make a meeting (1sec)

(STEP 1) Type in your friends email address (5s)
(STEP 2) Choose the When,Where,Why to meetup (10s)
(STEP 3) Type a MESSAGE to your friend & SUBMIT (4s)


Now your friend get's your message to their email & just clicks on the link below your message. (Your friend does NOT have to be a meebee user).
They then just click on the SMILEY mark to ACCEPT your meeting, or the SAD mark to DENY.

OK, so for a first time user, take your time, 1min or 3min, whatever. It still beats phone-tagging, emails back & forth, etc to set up a time/place to meetup! Enjoy :)

Here are some tips after you've made your 1st meeting (or before):

Just click on IMPORT Contacts from Email accounts (ex. Gmail, Hotmail, etc)

Make GROUPS from your friends (ex. Gym friends, Work friends, Hot chicks/guys, whatever you like!) Or just divide them into FRIENDS (yellow) & BUSINESS (grey).

Use the ICONS instead of typing stuff ! (ex. beer, meet at home, party, etc)
(We'll have many more icons & much better ones too, veeery soon!)

Now give those fingers some exercise & set up some dates to meetup with friends ! :) ENJOY.


  1. Hey cool app. We met at TC50. These tips help. Ill try the iCal sync & let you know.

  2. Hi im Rick from the beehive. Some good tips there, that will get you using meebee properly. Any Qs: feedback@meebee.com

  3. ok I understand a bit better now.
    Still how do you cancel?

  4. Good tips! meebee is cool :)

  5. yeah these tipe help. you can cancel by pressing that upsat face icon on the right. Think its called Deny.

  6. Seems cool, better if on the iPhone!

  7. I only really use my iPhone, an iPhone app is a must!

  8. What about blackberry & the new Android?
