Friday, March 5, 2010

meebee to rock SXSW

It's official, meebee will be buzzing around the highly anticipated 2010 SXSW event in Austin, Texas. With an estimated 60,000 attendees from all over the globe, the event should prove to be a wild ride filled with film stars, rock stars and computer stars alike. It's going to be our first year in attendance so we have a lot of things on our to-do list. Here's just a few:
Help others network to the max
So you've arranged your SXSW schedule down to a tee and refuse to miss a single event, good for you! But don't forget - it's much cooler if you roll to each event with a group rather than flying solo. Instead of creeping around by yourself, meetup with your friends using meebeee. Attending different events with a group will make it much easier to meet and network with other attendees.

Get interrupted by Kanye
We're not sure if he'll be in attendance again like last year, but if we are giving a speech, presentation maybe even a performance he is the man to ruin it. It's been too long since the Grammy's it's about time for a comeback! 

Tame the killer bee
We like to think that we know a thing or two about bee's and because the largest bee is located in Texas we will have to meetup.

Get everyone buzzed
The meebee crew will be doing everything possible to make this the best SXSW to date! At, we work hard and play harder so keep any eye out for our meebee gang and you will be guaranteed an unforgettable time!

Hook up VIP'S
For select VIPS the meebee crew will be giving away a variety of awesome prizes, VIP cards to help save you time and money and a select few will have a chance to receive the Amazon hit "Your Time, Your Life!" 

Let us know what you like to do at SXSW and what you think we should add to our list. See you there! 

1 comment:

  1. Uggg I'm jealous. I want to go sooo bad! Have fun
