Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Help meebee out = get a free t-shirt!

As a startup, we come across a lot of decisions. Some are little, some are big (a list of open positions at meebee). But the "devil's in the details" as the saying goes, and we got stumped on this one. What should we name our "make a meeting" button? It appears throughout meebee.com, and on the very blog you're reading. It needs to be action inducing, catchy and clear. So, help us out and give us your input. One lucky "pollster" will win a free meebee t-shirt!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, If i may give suggestion, I choiced "Meetup Now", "Lets`Get Meeting", and "Get to it".

    Why i choice them? Because I think MeeBee.com have principal Fun, Fast, and Friendly.

    Because of this, I think word like Meetup Now, Lets get meeting, or Get to it..give some meanings but attractive not rigid.

    MeeBee.com have clients from Child Segment, Adult segment, Professional Segment, and Young Segment. So we need make something different. Not rigid but attractive for all MeeBee client, and looks professional for all people.

    Hendry Budiman
