Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Save time, money and hassle with meebee

Does this lady look like she's having fun? Didn't think so.

Sure, cell phones are useful.  And in this day and age, it's hard to imagine being without one.  But a cell phone costs an average of $70 per month. You have start up fees, monthly fees, text fees and additional minute fees. Too much!  They are handy, but they can also cause a relentless game of phone tag just to have coffee with a good friend. Or wasting time on back and forth SMSes just trying to arrange a good day/time/place to meetup with your date (that cute chick you met last week). Using meebee, you can save about 18 minutes a day - and believe it or not - that gives you an extra 1 week holiday every year!

So why not give a try? It's free. $0. Nada. Zilch.  And takes only 20 seconds to set up a meeting (check out the video here).  Plus, you can control all your privacy setting so it's a safe way to connect with people you enjoy spending time with.  Then the meebee bee takes it from there - your very own PA or virtual assistant.

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