Tuesday, December 22, 2009

More Time for Life's Experiences

Here at The Hive we try to live life to the fullest. We've all traveled the globe and had amazing adventures - from climbing the pyramids at night, running marathons, learning different languages or sipping drinks with mates in over 100 cities around the world.
But in trying to soak up all that life has to offer, complications do arise. Coordinating people, the timing of events, and maintaining good communication is tough when trying plan the next adventure.
And that's where meebee comes in: making meeting easy! For example, instead of calling all your friends or getting sore thumbs by typing or texting 17 times, just send out a meeting via meebee and let meebee take care of the rest. It automatically sends out a reminder email and also allows multiple options of time and place - giving your friends and family options. Trust us, it'll allow you to do more life adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Good points, I am stressing out this week! If only you could do my holiday shoppig too :)
