Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Rush: A Time to Reflect

With the holiday rush approaching all too fast, we tend to forget one of the most important assets of this time of year - taking time to reflect on our lives. We gather around friends and family (some we haven't seen for quite a while) and talk about our lives - catching up on the recent past, what we're up to now and what we hope to do in the near future.
At this point, I think most of us realize that we haven't done all that we wanted to do and that, sadly, we may be a bit behind on our life plan. It's always later than you think!
Why is this the case? We seem to live fast - busy working, spending time with friends and family - and dealing with all the daily logistics that follow. And those are some of the biggest time-killers of all.
So here at the hive, the meebee team hopes that you stay organized and well-schedule, because we believe that this is a key step in creating more time for the good things in life, like spending quality time during the holidays.


  1. Yea, it's tough to keep it all together during the stressful time of the holidays, but important to keep things in perspective.

  2. Yup, gotta find that balance of taking care of business but focusing on your friends/family.
